Everything is WRONG now what?

Everyday in big and small ways we are creative. It is one of the few things that cannot be taken away from us. 

Everything is WRONG now what?

Predictability is a luxury that does not exist.

The events of our life that seem so clear are swept away by the spirit of the inevitable.

In the middle of it all is our core, battered and twisted by the chaos of unplanned events, still strong to keep going onward.

I watched on, helping in little ways as my wife labored for an excruciatingly long time. All of our plans to be cavalier and run home with our newborn swept away as the situation became more dire.

These reflections were made during the days that I was waiting, helping and watching. 

Yes this will be related to jewelry, but first strap in.

Under the shape of his sail, Ulysses,
Symbol of the seeker, crossing by night
The giant sea, read his own mind.
He said, “As I know, I am and have
The right to be.” He guided his boat
Beneath the middle stars and said:

Wallace Stevens

Few people, if any, are more stalwart than a laboring woman. 

Watching the indomitable courage of my wife going into the fifth day of labor gracefully balancing our ideals and inevitably. Words come to me as a picture, and experience.


Dusk enduring balance in groaning might, 
Light burning too much 
No more.
What? More still? till?
Ahh, burden, that is you calling. 
Selfish demands are innocent 
Stop. Again?
Ughh no
Walking, lying, sitting 
Rest impossible, keep
Stop, go, Ugg, laughing tears 
Brace for your desire, but
I want this
No more
Ohh, but it will open 
What in the inevitable we take part.

poem by Myles Ryan

I am swept away by the overwhelming audacity of a moment so small. The spirit of change is audacious. There is no getting ready, it will move on you and there is no prerequisite.

New events do not care what you like!

It is the catalyst and the goal is not to know.

Blown away are the boundaries and decay. Open is the only avenue forward. When everything is expended, what remains is that kernel that will go to any length to finish what was started.

In ancient Ecuador those of the royal bloodline were the only people allowed to wear gold. Gold was connected to the spirit being close to god, so only the leaders could wear it. We like to tear down traditions like this because we feel the spark of creativity inside ourselves. 

Everyday in big and small ways we are creative. It is one of the few things that cannot be taken away from us. 

Nobody will stop you from creating. Do it tonight. Do it tomorrow. That is the way to make your soul grow – whether there is a market for it or not! The kick of creation is the act of creating, not anything that happens afterward. I would tell all of you watching this screen: Before you go to bed, write a four line poem. Make it as good as you can. Don’t show it to anybody. Put it where nobody will find it. And you will discover that you have your reward.

~Kurt Vonnegut

We are creative in so many ways.

The way we communicate. 

The way we think.

They way we dress.

Childbirth is simply more obvious. 

Every day we make hundreds of decisions. The more these small choices we make reflect our core self, the more at peace we feel. 

Jewelry in itself, even when made with intention and from noble metals and gems from the earth, is not creative. On the other hand, making the choice to wear something worthy of who you are, as you know yourself to be from the inside, IS a creative act.

Dedicated to my courageous and determined wife and my beautiful daughter.

Stay Authentic