Transformation or Death

We marveled at this amazing creature that could go from calm and relaxed to seemingly hover in the air ready to strike in the blink of an eye. 


In a split second what looked like a long stick across the path raised up, coiling its head from side to side and shaking its tail to make that frenetic noise that halts anyone in their  tracks.
I was on a walk with my wife when what looked to be about a 5 foot long rattlesnake rose from its peaceful resting place right across the path to let us know in no uncertain terms that it was not happy. 
We marveled at this amazing creature that could go from calm and relaxed to seemingly hover in the air ready to strike in the blink of an eye. 

Viper pendant and ring set with ideal cut diamonds and exceptional hand engraved details giving a fresh take to a timeless style

If you have had an experience like this you know the power that this beautiful creature commands.

A snake at peace is amazingly calm. They take their time, their movements seem effortless, their measured grace, in itself, is a trait that we could all wish to emulate. Pair this with the ability to decisively present one of the most fear provoking sounds and powerful stances in a fraction of a second and the true depth of the rattle snake archetype is revealed.

The rattlesnake teaches us that transformation is a part of life. 

The combination of grace and relaxed ease with the ability to instantaneously present one of the most powerful and striking (hehehe) shows of force captures authenticity in a dynamic way.

The viper embraces the ambiguity that we can experience in our lives and says, “Yes, so I am who I am, in peace and when threatened”. 

As a new father I relate to the ferocious protection of home with quick reflexes and thoughtful strategy. Excessive force can often backfire or hurt the ones you love. The rattlesnake embodies the wisdom to take time with emotion and harness it in constructive action. 

As the rattler sheds its skin we shed our limiting beliefs, continuously seeking our deepest self. 

These are the powerful experiences behind the viper jewelry that I am working on. It is a balance between the intricate scales and details of the pattern combined with a glinting flash of movement. 

The viper pieces are designed to be totemic and used as a reminder that we have a right to be decidedly and courageously authentic.

courageously authentic

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