Dying is Fine but

A year after that while filing I took a deep breath, looked down at my hands with a file in them and said to myself. “Now I know how to file.”

Dying is Fine but

Everyday part of our body is dying!

In seven years every cell in our body is completely new. This is commonly accepted yet we still have anxiety letting go of emotional hindrances. We forget that somehow this is rebuilt too.

Death alone is just death.

Life and growth with no check is just wild.

Thus we have the timeless truth of the double spiral. One aspect is growing and taking prominence while another is fading away. 

Watching my newborn daughter I get to see the start of a new life. It is obvious that we can’t just set her out on the street and tell her to have a good life. No, that would be ridiculous, there is a long road of growth and development ahead. For this time our lives overlap. 

Yet in everyday life we feel very comfortable training a new skill for a week or two and throwing it out in the cold to see if it survives.

The Jewelers Gems

 On the first day of my new job I got a lesson in filing flat. This was after I already had years of practice and intensive training. I thought to myself, “Ah now I get it”.

Six months later while filing I had another epiphany, “Now I get it”.

I was wrong!

A year after that while filing I took a deep breath, looked down at my hands with a file in them and said to myself. “Now I know how to file.”

As a young craftsman eager to do it all and be amazing I was constantly humbled by the fact that real skill takes time. 

You say, “Duh, everyone knows that!”

And I reply, “no you don’t know that.” Few people take the time to practice a skill over a time horizon long enough and with enough intensity to learn a skill.

By intensity I mean that you are going to lose your job if you don't buck up and get this.

When I was learning to file I was not doing so many other things and this is the IMPORTANT part.

No matter what we are doing we are not doing something else. One thing must cease for another to begin. Always birth with death, growth with decay and development with ignorance.

Elegantly layered pendants

The Double Spiral pendant Elegantly layerd with the large Blooming Rose and the Compass star

One of my personal favorites.  A poem that captures this well.

dying is fine)but Death




wouldn't like

Death if Death



when(instead of stopping to think)you

begin to feel of it,dying

's miraculous


cause dying is

perfectly natural;perfectly


it mildly lively(but


is strictly


& artificial &

evil & legal)

we thank thee


almighty for dying

(forgive us,o life!the sin of Death

EE cummings

Stay Authentic